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Author Mike Beale
Violet Circle Publishing © 2015
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Mike Beale.

Born: Maidenhead UK 1947.

Mike is family man, who works in IT with commercial proposals. He had never really considered the prospect of becoming a published author, until one day he had an idea, and like most first time author's, he found he enjoyed sitting alone and writing down his thoughts and ideas. When a friend recommended he spoke to one of her relations who was also a writer, he found his work could be read by a far bigger audience and he was introduced to VCP.

Current Project:  Writing the stories of Crumble.

Blog Site:  No Site as yet but he can be found on Twitter.
                      Facebook Page Dedicated to Crumble's Adventures

Personal and Working History:  We will let Mike tell you in his own words:

I have always been fascinated by the magic of words and how they can transport the reader to different worlds and times. Enid Blyton was an early influence followed by Arthur Conan Doyle and the fascinating and exciting world of Sherlock Holmes. From there the world of literature just opened up.

My own writing experience was limited to commercial proposals and brochures. When we acquired a little puppy, more by chance than design, the door to becoming a writer had creaked open just a fraction.

It all started with the family joshing me about my affection for our little dog Crumble. I would often joke that she was really a princess and one day would be a Royal dog and go to Buckingham Palace.

“Well write a story about her then,” they all said and the seed was planted. A few months later we were all boarding a plane to go to Bulgaria for our annual holiday, and I found a quiet spot away from the noisy children - Charlie and Oliver.
With an old scrap book and a pencil I set about writing a short story to entertain the children. By the end of the flight I had a first tale.

Over dinner in a little taverna in a Bulgarian village, I read the story to the family. Amid tears and laughter they all insisted I write a story for every day of the holidays and read it aloud before dinner.

The ten day holiday meant we had ten chapters and a book that was never planned or expected emerged. Happy reading.     Mike Beale 2015
Mike Beal and Maureen Fayle
Maureen Fayle Illustrator

Maureen Fayle website : http://www.maureenfayle.com/
Acknowledgements :

A special thank you to Maureen Fayle, whose wonderful illustrations have brought each story to life. A lifelong family friend and wonderful artist.

To Crumble and Alex who have brought so much love and fun into our lives and the inspiration for this book. To Charlie and Oliver for being the ‘rough-and-tumble’ boys of all our childhoods.

To my guitar friend Tony, for kind advice and endless proof reading.

To Sheena for introducing me to my Publisher.

To the Members of VCP.

And lastly a very special thank you to Sue and Amanda for their un-stinting support and encouragement.